The Lock and The Key

Posted: May 29, 2010 in a lonely journey

The story of my life is a story of an endless struggle. It’s a story of victories and defeats, ups and downs, aspirations and crushed dreams. It’s a story of a quest for willpower. An endless, hopeless quest. Being human is hard if you want to live your life and not merely exist. It’s even harder if you believe in the core of your soul that you have a unique gift. And it’s even harder when day after day, week after week, year after year you realize that you may not have enough inner strength to unlock that gift and use it. You feel like a man who holds in his hands a box with a treasure, but has neither the key nor strength required to search for it. And you hear the clock ticking…

And you keep wasting time until one day you realize that maybe it’s too late. Has this day come? Not yet. But it’s getting closer and closer. There’s a choice to be made. To look for the key or let it go. But what if it’s nothing but delusion? What if there’s nothing inside that box? Just dust and old papers. What if you spend your life trying to unlock what’s not worth unlocking? Then again, what if you turn away just as you about to open it and find a real gem? There’s a choice to be made. The choice that sets your life on a course and your mind on a goal.

The choice has been made. Until that box is unlocked there’s only one path. There’s only one goal. The key.

  1. Diane says:

    “Being human is HARD if you want to live your life and not merely exist”. This a inspiring passage. I really like it. Thank you!


  2. Diane says:

    I just might frame this and call it “The Choice…is Yours”.


  3. Felicia says:

    @unmaskd “Being human is hard if you want live your life and not merely exist.” very well said, we all constantly search 4 our raison d’être


  4. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Brandi Rahill, True Me. True Me said: I know this sounds cryptic. For what it's worth here's more about what and why I'm trying to do: […]


  5. Jolanda van Ammers says:

    Luctor et Emergo


  6. psychicsarah says:

    Sooooo….*turn* the key!


  7. psychicsarah says:

    …Just turn the *key*…

    It’s right there in the palm of your hand…

    (or should I say around your *neck*!)

    There’s not much point searching for another key when you actually have the right one staring you in the face…Someone else’s key aint gonna fit your lock!

    When we are in some kind of *prison* with our inner demons…all we need to do is turn the key we already possess and release ourselves. (We can be our own *jailer* sometimes).

    To hold the key and NOT use it is the *safe BLUE choice.

    If you are into Blue* pill popping…hold the key and don’t use it!

    To hold the key and dare to
    put it in the *lock* is perhaps the *Orange* choice. But this decision leads to a stalemate. Being stuck-between-two-stools is not conducive to a way forward.

    The key to a dynamic choice is to place the key in the *lock* and actually friggin’ TURN it!

    Its the action which comes along with *RED* pill popping

    …and if *RED* is your favourite colour…well then what other choice do you/we really have…

    *delusion* is ungrounded and irrational. But who is to say what is delusional and what is not? It is dangerous ground certainly. But I am sure the first man who thought he could *Fly* was considered delusional by those around him…

    You might as well reach for the *Stars* …what do you have to lose

    If it is only a matter of *saving face* then we all might as well keep our Masks on…

    But if life is to be lived and we are to keep it real…then the Masks have to come off…we have to be @unmaskd!


  8. psychicsarah says:

    Just turn the *key*…

    It’s right there in the palm of your hand…(or should I say around your *neck*!)

    There’s not much point searching for another key when you actually have the right one staring you in the face…Someone else’s key aint gonna fit your lock!

    When we are in some kind of *prison* with our inner demons…all we need to do is turn the key we already possess and release ourselves. (We can be our own *jailer* sometimes).

    To hold the key and NOT use it is the safe *Blue* choice.
    If you are into *Blue* pill popping…hold the key and don’t use it!

    To hold the key and dare to
    put it in the *lock* is perhaps the *Orange* choice. *Orange* is not on offer and its a choice which leads to stagnancy.

    Being stuck-between-two-stools is not a way forward.

    The key to a dynamic choice is to place the key in the *lock* and friggin’ TURN it!

    Its the *RED* choice; which for once does not symbolise the *Stop* sign!

    (*Delusion* is ungrounded and irrational. But who is to say what is delusional and what is not? It is dangerous ground certainly. But I am sure the first man who thought he could *Fly* was considered delusional by those around him…

    You might as well reach for the *Stars* …what do you have to lose?

    If it is a matter of *saving face* then we all might as well keep our Masks on and choose *Blue*…

    But if we want to live life to the full take your Mask off and choose *RED*!

    Prepare to be @unmaskd …


  9. psychicsarah says:

    Oops…read the last post

    (can’t find *delete* button…!)


  10. Philmcrkin says:

    A wise mentor once told me to trust the process. I still use this as my guide, even though it feels as though I often come full circle back into a pit of doubt, fear, and insecurities with some of the choices I make in my life.

    So, feeling a little duped, I came back to him with all of my questions and doubts about trusting this said process. He told me in his artist-y way that growth is not a linear process; rather, it’s “a series of onward and upward circles”…since I could visualize this, it made more sense. Hopefully this makes some sense to you, too, and I’m not coming across as a pretentious know-it-all asshole. I find your post to be quite relatable and just wanted to share my experiences. I too feel self-imposed pressures and burden of the ticking clock.

    I’m using a lot of words to say only this: it might seem like there’s many stops and starts, but it’s all part of that journey. Keep hoping. Trust the process in finding the key, friend. xo


  11. Anonymous says:

    If life seems blue- it’s a lighting effect. It’s truly red and full of passion.


  12. You will find that key, I am certain. I’ll do my best to help:)


  13. Diane says:

    Hmm. To me there is a theme here. For me it’s birthing my full potential…my true self. Liked “Luctor et Emergo” Jolanda. “I struggle and I emerge”. Was it Dylan who said something like we are either busy living or busy dying? To me, we are busy living to the extent that we are busy being born into our fullest potential. As a pre=teenager I was in a choral group. One of the pieces we sang was a very avant-garde, contemporary lil’ number called. “The Living is in the Reaching”. As a 12 year old I didn’t really appreciate what the heck we were singing about. I sure as heck do now. The clock is ticking…


  14. Diane says:

    …but when it gets right down to it, when I am on my deathbed am i going to be thinking, “Darn I didn’t actualize my talents”. or am I going to think “Darn I didn’t show my LOVE enough here when i could have, or here , or here…etc. Damn, why didn’t I love more?”


  15. Dawn says:

    The key is sitting in the lock just waiting on you to turn it. You just have to make the decision to do it. I wonder if you just haven’t opened it before because you’re just scared that you won’t do the right thing with what you find inside. Maybe you just need to have a little faith in yourself…


  16. shadow says:

    Couldn’t help to think of an iTunes download I’m currently listening to, The Shadow Effect,where they say “The conflict between who we are and who we want to be is at the core of the human struggle”


  17. shadow says:

    ..forgot to past this…
    “If left unopened, the shadow is a Pandora’s box filled with secrets that we fear will destroy everything we love and care about. But if we open the box, we discover that what’s inside has the power to radically and positively alter our lives.”

    I wonder if your key is your shadow…
    only you can find out…


  18. Jennifer says:

    How do you find the key?


  19. Jennifer says:

    You know exactly where your damn key is. Now go unlock a door before you lose your nerve.

    And stop playing with me.

    Let’s talk.


  20. Jennifer says:

    I’m sorry I yelled 🙂
    I just want peace on earth… just like you.
    I think that just might be a part of what’s going to be unlocked.
    I found this key the other day, you’re welcome to try it on your box any time.


  21. JCV says:

    My take on this is a bit different…. Life itself is all about the experiences you encounter along the way. Things happen for a reason, the decisions you make lead you down a path, and yes there are times when that path may seem like a dead end. Push on and remind yourself that things happen for a reason, sometimes you have to experience the bad before you can realize what’s good. I have a feeling you will do just fine 😉


  22. Sunshine says:

    Upon reading this, the archives of my brain remembered a key theme going on so I dusted off an old book tucked away from the inspiration of my life in 1982…I can blame it on my youngness at the time but hopefully it lends something useful to you.
    I had titled one work “The Key to My Heart” perhaps you’ll like the end:
    The key you have no one else will find
    for the key you have is one of a kind.
    Here’s another one from the key archive–same year, different month:

    is the key to solutions.
    Too much thought
    is the confusion which bolts the door.
    teach the future
    to try a different
    I assure you it’s worth unlocking but it won’t always be easy once it’s unlocked–you just have to stick with it and trust that hind sight is 20/20 during the rough times. What you put in is what you get out and remember the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree so look to the tree for some insight.


  23. Sunshine says:

    This refers to “The Dream” but I thought it would be better posted here.

    Two dreams.

    The sweet dream that makes a “goodnight” comfortable and peaceful, that takes away the longing in the heart shaped box on the nightstand of his soul. Living the passion of the soul’s dream that let go of the sweet dream. One day the man turns on the lamp that has always been there on his nightstand serving it’s purpose…and out of the darkness the light illuminates the box where he sees the key sitting that has been sitting next to the box all along. Alas, the undeniable rhythm of the clock sharing the nightstand has merged with the ‘ol ticker of his heart.


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